Welcome to the Catholic Teachers Union

Teachers Working Under CTU Contracts
What does membership mean?
CTU members:
- Elect a seven person Executive Board every two years to operate the union;
- Elect a building representative to serve as a liaison with the Executive Board and represent them in affairs at their schools;
- Receive newsletters during the school year to be kept informed about union activities;
- Work under contracts negotiated by the union and ratified by union members;
- Are represented by union officers at regular meetings with diocesan school officials throughout the school year;
- Have a voice in employment conditions through their union.

Executive Board 2023-2024
Robert Cranston, President,
Camden Catholic High School
Benjamin Jones, Executive Vice-President,
Paul VI High School
Maureen Simzak, Executive Secretary,
Paul VI High School
Jamie Bottino, Treasurer,
Paul VI High School
Scott Higbee, Delegate,
Holy Spirit High School
Bob Moffett, Delegate,
Camden Catholic High School
Kelly Ogle, Delegate,
Paul VI High School